How to Open a Virtual Showroom Floor
Using 3D Modeling To Meet New Consumer Habits & Demands
Recent events have caused a significant upward trend of consumers buying items online. Whether it be for common convenience or health and safety, more people are switching their shopping bags for slippers. With more consumers turning to online shopping, manufacturers are finding it difficult to change along with these trends. Those that sell more on display – through large distributors & retail stores – particularly struggle with this online shift.
Questions You’ll Likely Face When Transitioning To Virtual Sales:
- How do you transition products that are mainly sold in stores to online?
- How can you capture everyone who’s interested, like you would on the show room floor?
- How do you open a virtual display room for potential customers to truly see your products?
CPQ Software Will Be Vital To Your New Online Operation
Although this may take some time, transitioning your sales strategy and ordering process to incorporate eCommerce online, is simple. First, start with establishing a product configurator or Configure Price Quote (CPQ) application that quickly incorporates pricing and all product specifications for creating your item. A CPQ system with a fully optimized ERP integration is the best combination for a solid foundation of organizing and allowing customers to view and even order your products online. Once you have an organized configurator and pricing structure established, you want to start thinking about how to accurately show your products on your personal and dealers websites.
3D Product Visualization: Seeing Is Believing – & Believing Is Buying
The next best thing to seeing something in person is a stunning 3D model of what you plan to buy. 3D visuals are no longer a new/innovative feature and a standard need for any manufacturer that typically displays their products in-store. These visuals are shown online and do not limit or take away from sales in person. These models expand the capability of sales to occur confidently between customers who prefer to shop online. There are several different virtual image shops available like Threekit or Cylindo.
You do not need to partner with a 3D model shop immediately when transitioning to online sales, your choice may vary depending on suggested integrations from your configurator software. Some manufacturers may not require a 3D product rendering for their customers, this is an optional feature. It’s best to decide if an eye-catching visual would be helpful for your sales team and talk to your configuration consultant.
Harnessing The Benefits of A Virtual Showroom
Based on the stage of your company’s digital transformation, starting online sales will be a massive transition. Once you have an internal configurator for your product established, create an external shop for eCommerce that is integrated with these elements. Swiftsell is a high-quality shop front with a standard integration for the solutions listed above. These virtual shop displays can show pricing to potential customers on your site and present accurate 3D models based on preferred displays. Having a virtual display room and shop floor available for customers increases buyers’ trust and interest in your products. When the internal configurator, optional 3D models, and virtual shop floor application are established, they create a simple way to gauge interest from customers and close more deals or sell your products straight from your website.